State Rep. Brad Paquette | Michigan House Republicans
State Rep. Brad Paquette | Michigan House Republicans
State Representative Brad Paquette has put forward new legislation aimed at enhancing school bus safety in Michigan. The proposed House Bill 4214 seeks to clarify driver responsibilities when approaching a school bus, especially regarding the use of flashing lights.
"Our current law’s omission of how to handle a school bus’s yellow flashing lights has caused confusion, resulting in drivers behaving inconsistently when navigating school bus safety zones," Paquette explained. He emphasized the need for clarity to prevent dangerous situations for drivers, students, and crossing guards. "This is an area where the policymakers should step in and provide some much-needed clarity."
The bill proposes amendments to the Michigan Vehicle Code, introducing specific instructions for drivers encountering yellow flashing lights on a school bus. Under current regulations, drivers must stop at least 20 feet from a school bus displaying red lights until it moves or signals are turned off. The new bill suggests that for yellow lights, drivers should also stop 20 feet away if safe to do so; otherwise, they should slow down and proceed with caution.
The bill has been forwarded to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure for further consideration.